To all our guests…
For us, the Purple Gala Ball was a truly magical event and we wanted to say thank you. After such a fantastic night
we came back to reality with a bang; the very next day Tim went away with work for 5 days. Eleanor was back at school on the Monday, not long after, started week 61 of chemotherapy treatment and Kelly went back to work. Also and most excitingly, building works have commenced on our house! It has quite simply been a whirlwind 2 months so far. The Purple Gala Ball is a fantastic memory, one we’ll never forget.
Where do we even start with this thank you? There are so many words we could use to describe how successful the ball was; the objectives, to not only raise awareness but also to improve our home was surpassed in a way we could’ve only dreamed of, and YOU made this possible! The money you collectively helped to raise for our family will change our lives forever and has already begun to create a safe, spacious environment for Eleanor to grow in.
When our daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2015 our lives were quite literally turned upside down. All our hopes and dreams were shattered and we had to very quickly adapt to a new way of life, a new normal, but the amazing kindness of others has lightened our darkest days, and made us see that despite the hardships we might face, we are never alone.
Of course we cannot write this without a few individual and more personal thank you’s…
Our biggest thank you must go to Charlotte Baxter-Hassall of Heart Anchor Events Limited. The Purple Gala Ball would never have happened if it wasn’t for Charlotte’s kind heart and tenacity. She truly is an incredible friend and we will never be able to thank her enough for the difference she has made to our family.
Secondly a huge thank you to Aaron Brown of Onecom, our fantastic friend and real life fairy Godfather, who, with a little help from his team, worked alongside Charlotte to help make the ball such a success. Without the help of Aaron the corporate presence of the ball would not have been what it was. Another person who has made such a big impact on our family and another person we are extremely proud to call our friend.
Thank you to Ed Giddins of Full Event Management for all his help and the silent auction which was a huge success! Ed is a friend of Tim’s and was deeply touched by Eleanor’s plight, offering his time and fees for nothing, an extremely kind gesture on his part.
Thank you so much to Imperial Car Supermarkets, our Platinum sponsors, who’s beautiful cars adorned the entrance. Imperial very generously provided the welcome champagne and nibbles reception, which certainly kicked off the night in style!
Thank you to all the Gold and Silver sponsors, too many to name individually, we hope you all had a great night and enjoyed yourselves, thank you for helping to make the night what it was, and to everyone that kindly donated an auction or raffle item we are overwhelmed by your generosity.
A huge thank you to the companies who donated their time and products to make our ballroom and entrance look so beautiful. ‘Strawberry Fizz‘ who worked overnight and all morning prior to the ball to dress the tables and ‘Doris Loves‘ for the incredible light up letters so #ELEANORSVOICE could welcome you as you arrived.
A heartfelt thank you to the splendidly wonderful and glamorous host Emma B, auctioneer Matt Hopper, Jim Davidson OBE (Heads & Tails), The London Function Band and Marley Blandford for the entertainment and music they collectively provided.
There were so many players in bringing the Purple Gala Ball together so precisely with such professional ease. If you haven’t been mentioned you’ve certainly not been forgotten, we are eternally grateful for all your help.
Lastly, to all our guests, without whom there would have literally been no ball, you made such an effort to be there on the night, you were all more than amazing and were certainly dressed to impress, we just cannot thank you enough for being a part of this and supporting our little family.
Tim, Kelly & Eleanor x