3 years ago today I was sat in the window of a paediatric hospital ward looking out over London in a daze. A few hours previously we had been told Eleanor had a brain tumour following an MRI scan. It seems almost surreal that today she was lying in an MRI scanner trying out the possibility of having future scans with no anaesthetic. Our darling girl has had to grow up so fast in the last 3 years – a visually impaired 6 year old in an incredibly visual world – and has been through more than any child should.

The sad fact is that we are no further towards a positive outcome. We now know there is more than one tumour and still unsure what will show in her full body scan, which we anxiously await the date of.

It has been and continues to be a long, frightening journey and I want to thank our wonderful family and friends for sticking by us through it all. Text messages, cups of tea and hugs at just the right time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart❣ x